Friday, December 18, 2009

Girls Love Curves


Girls Love Curves ™boys do too
Created by a team of herbalist with a total of 20 years experience.
Are you naturally thin and have been thin your whole life? Have you repeatedly been teased in high school for your chicken legs and asked rhetorical questions like, Do you eat ? Well I have, and I know exactly what it feels like to be ridiculed for something that is out of your control. Or at least it has been, until now Lets face it, girls that have curves are in. With celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Beyonce, and video vixens like Delicious and Buffie the Body; men are tantalized and hypnotized by their curves! Arent you tired of your boyfriend/husband looking at these curvaceous chics in magazines? Dont you wish that he would put all of his focus on you? You want to feel sexy and desired, well now is YOUR time. Girls Love Curves™ is just for YOU!
Created by a skinny girl and a Registered Nurse and perfected by a team of experienced herbalist, this is the perfect formula to give you the perfect curves that you desire. I have struggled with my weight all of my life. I started looking into several breast and booty enhancement herbal pills, because I wanted to do this the natural way. I refused to have anything foreign inserted into my body, not knowing what would possibly happen, the risks outweighed the benefits, in my opinion. Trial and error is what led me to come up with this 100% natural herbal/vitamin & mineral program. While on my journey, I must have tried every enhancement pill on the market, from cheap single herbs to ridiculously expensive treatments, inspite of the ingredients, you still had to do or take something extra. I got tired of swallowing so many pills and drinking so many potions. Women all across the globe are doing the same thing everyday! I have been on all the blogs there are, collecting info, some ladies are using long lists of herbs and products, some work. Some ladies have taken so many things until they dont know what works anymore. I have tried everything and kept record of everything down to the detail, I have learned so much through out my journey, so I know exactly what works and why, and what combination you need to take it in. This program is a collection of my knowledge, along with the help of a Registered Nurse and a team of herbalist. It gives you exactly what your body needs to totally transform into that luscious vixen that you are and have been all along!
How Does It Work???
The herbs combined in the Girls Love Curves formula, have been used for centuries by herbalists and doctors, as medicine or healing herbs for women with hormonal imbalances.These herbs are called phyto-estrogens. Phyto-estrogens are forms of naturally occurring non steriod plants that have a structural similarity to the main estrogen precursor estradiol. This causes these certain plants to produce an estrogen-like effect on the body. These phyto-estrogens fool your body into thinking that it is going through purberty all over again!
Estrogen plays a huge part in determining how your body will distribute the body fat that it accumulates. Estradiol enhances breast, buttocks, hips, and thighs. It affects bone structure and fat deposition. Girls Love Curves increases the intake and production of Estradoil, which inturn, produces Estrogen like qualities, stimulating your body to produce more of it's own natural estrogen in combination with the plant estradiol. This will boost the activity on the main hormone receptors, which will stimulate your body to deposit fat in those Estrogen targeted areas, which are the breasts, buttocks,hips,and thighs.
G.L.C. works to naturally balance the amounts of sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone) that your body produces. If you are deficient in estrogen, it will give you what you need, without going overboard and throwing your body out of wack. G.L.C. creates a perfect equilibrium of harmony in your body, providing those curves that you never developed when you were a teen. The effects of bringing your hormones into perfect balance are rounder, bigger breast, killer curvy hips, plump & round buns, and thick toned thighs. Girls Love Curves formula contains CLA (conjugated linoleum acid) a unique optical isomer of the polyunsaturated fatty acid linoleic acid, which has been proven to be an excellent waist reducing fatty acid. It is also a lipid component of cell membranes and breast milk. With big breast, small waist, and voluptuous butt, hips, and thighs, you are that perfect hourglass!
What are the Ingredients??? Is it safe?
This formula will supply the necessary phyto- estrogenic effects needed to form curves, while balancing your hormones as a whole.
Pueraria Mirifica- worlds strongest phyto-estrogen. 'white kwao krua'. Deoxymiroestrol and Miroestrol are unique derivatives of this plant. High in isoflavones , more than soy. Breast enlargement proven in clinical studies. Contains the highest estrogenic activity among the known phyto-estrogens due to structural similarity to estradiol ( the main human estrogen).
Fenugreek balances hormones, one of the strongest phyto-estrogenic plants.
Goats Rue stimulates breast milk production for adoptive mothers.
Alfalfa- high in vitamin A, B group, C, D, E, and K, as well as Calcium and protein. Highly phyto-estrogenic, has been used over 1,500 years. Increases appetite for weight gain.
Borage source of GLA gamma linoleic acid a fatty acid, Omega 6&9.
Evening Primrose Powder - balances hormones, fatty acid
Saw Palmetto- decreases androgen production in the body.
Fennel great source of phyto-estrogens , increases breast tissue, breastmilk in moms.
False Unicorn- contains hormone-like saponins, adaptogenic or balancing effect on sex hormones
Blessed Thistle- can promote lactation
Dandelion- Dandelion is a rich source of vitamins A, B complex, C, and D, as well as minerals such as iron, potassium, and zinc. Dandelion flower has antioxidant properties.
Vitex (Chasteberry) - The berries are considered a tonic herb for both the male and female reproductive system.
Rosehips - significant source of Vitamin C.
Barley - contains all eight essential amino acids. Can be used to regulate blood sugar.
L-Tyrosine - reductions in stress hormone levels, non essential amino acid, raises body temp. if under 98.6.
MSM - The building blocks of the body, amino acids are all sulfur binders and play a major role in the production of hormones and enzymes, which regulate the body's activities. Our bodies need a constant supply of MSM for optimum health, since sulfur is one of the essential minerals, and MSM provides the sulfur that our bodies require to create a catalyst that absorbs and metabolizes vitamins and amino acids and to synthesize connective-tissue antioxidants and collagen (supporting connective tissue integrity in the breast).
The following list is not included as single ingredient, rather the vitamins and minerals listed are derivatives and properties of the herbs themselves.
•Protein from soy isolate•Sodium•Thiamin •Vitamin B1•Vitamin B2•Niacin from •Vitamin B6 •Folic Acid•Vitamin B12 •Biotin•Calcium•Magnesium•Phosphorus•Potassium•Zinc•Copper•Manganese
The Following Amino Acids are derivatives from Barley and other herbs included in the formula.
•L-Leucine•L-Isoleucine•L-Valine•L-Lysine•L-Threonine•L-Methionine•L-Phenylalanine•L-Trytophan•L-Arginine•L-Cystine•L-Alanine•L-Aspartic Acid•L- Glutamic Acid•Glycine•L- Histidine•L- Proline•L- Serine•L- Hydroxyproline•L- Hydroxylysine
Supplement Facts
Serving size 2 capsule/ 30 serving per container Amount per % Daily Serving Value
Proprietary Blend Contains: 1040mg *
Pueraria Mirifica,Fenugreek, Saw Palmetto standardized extract (25% fatty acids). Goats Rue. Barley, Blessed Thistle 4:1 extract, Borage,Soy extract powder(non-GMO), Chasteberry 4:1 extract, Evening Primrose extract, Fennel, False Unicorn, Carrot Powder , Dandelion, Flaxseed powder, Alfalfa, Avena Stavia, Red Clover, Rose Hips, L-Tyrosine, Hops 10:1 extract, Eleuthero, Milk Thistle. MSM. *Daily Value (DV) Not EstablishedContains no added sugar, starch, yeast, gluten, salt, animal by products, or preservatives.

1.Please explain what Girls Loves Curves does?
Girls Love Curves™ is a body modification transformation system that will give you the body you have always wanted. G.L.C. will enlarge/enhance your breast, slim your waist, shape your hips & thighs, enlarge, plump, and lift your buttocks, maintain healthy hair & nails, rid acne problems & promote glowing skin, grow longer hair, help build lean muscle mass, balances reproductive hormones, increases energy, multi-vitamin, relieve menopausal symptoms, ease pre menstrual discomfort.
G.L.C. contains powerful plant estrogens and balancing adaptogens that help to reform the curves of the body. It contains all of your Omegas 3-6-9 and other fatty acids essential to developing a feminine figure.
This formula contains all of you essential amino acids and a host of non-essential acids that are vital to protein synthesis. This formula will help you to achieve faster and more significant gains and to keep them permanently. The vitamins help to balance the herbal hormones and increase energy, aid in bone strengthening, and maintain the overall health of the body.
2.What is the suggested dosage? How do you take G.L.C. ? .
You will not gain the expected results if you do not follow directions. Do not skip a dose. You are to take formula, once in the morning with breakfast and once at night before bedtime. Thats only 4 pills a day. Two in the morning and two at night. Thats it! Please do not increase your dosages.
3.Why cant I increase my dosages, wont it work faster?
No! Do not do this because this program contains vitamins A, D, and E, which are not water soluble. Which means they will not dissolve in the water in your body, making it a potential for them to build up too much in your blood. We have included these at the balanced, total daily value, it is enough per day. Double doses will not give you faster results. Herbal regimens take time, give the program at least 6 months to see significant results.
4.How long will it take for me to notice results?
It depends on your body type and chemistry and how your body reacts to and absorbs the ingredients. Everyone is different, but on average it will take at most 3 months before you notice any changes and 6 months before you notice substantial results. Things like this take time for the herbs to reach a certain level in the body, since herbs are not as strong as chemicals, results are not immediate. Be patient, as you should see significant results in 6-8 months and lasting results in 12 months. A tip is to do a total body cleanse before starting the G.L.C. program.
5. Do you have to continue taking the pills once results are obtained?
No. Once you achieve desired results, you will not need to continue taking our pills. You may want to re-evaluate your body in 5-10 years to see if another one year cycle will be appropriate. Doing this will maintain your results over a lifetime.
6.Is G.L.C. healthy?
Absolutely! Our formula is 100% natural, from Gods green Earth. They are completely safe and none of the ingredients have shown any side effects. Please check for ingredients that you may be allergic to, like fish or nuts. All of our ingredients are on the FDAs GRAS (generally recognized as safe) list. Before beginning any herbal regimens, check with your doctor.

7.Will G.L.C. interfere with birth control or medications?
We have not tested our formula with any medications or supplements. Consult your physician if you are not sure of the possible risks of interactions. So far there have been no reports of this product having negative effects on birth control.
8. Is caffeine & alcohol allowed?
Yes. These are diuretics that cause the body to release water. Since our herbs do not work off of water retention, caffeine and alcohol will not harm the effects of Girls Love Curves.
9. Is this FDA approved?
Supplements are not required to be approved by the FDA in the United States. All ingredients are generally recognized as safe by the FDA.
10.How many pills are in each bottle and how long does it last?
120 pills per bottle. One bottle lasts 30 days.
11. Should I buy more than one kit at a time?
It is recommended that you purchase several months at a time so that you do not run out and have to wait for a new shipment. We dont want you to miss out on valuable days of growing. It will also be more cost effective if you purchase more than just a one month supply. However, it is a personal choice. Just make sure to place your order two weeks before you run out.
12..Do these pills work on guys?
Even though G.L.C. is marketed to women, a lot of the ingredients are used in effective HRT for menopausal women. These phyto hormones are what gives a woman her shape. They can be introduced into the male body with the same or greater effect. Results may be faster than in most females. Its all up to your personal body chemistry.
I promise that you will never need another program. One thing I ask is that you give it some time. You will be happy with the results!
•These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.